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- # Load runner X where X = %runNo%
- # Load the runner
- source run_dir.gw
- LoadGameGen %runFile% runner_%runNo%
- SetAltitudeSurface off
- SetProximity on
- # Set dynamics parameters per runner
- RunSetMaxSpeed %runNo% %runMaxSpeed%
- RunSetTurnMax %runNo% %runTurnMax%
- Object3DTranslate %runPosX% %runPosY% %runPosZ%
- #Object3DRotate 0 %runRotY% 0
- FindNode yaw
- Object3DRotate 0 %runYaw% 0
- FindNode runner_%runNo%
- # Load animation data for jumping.
- SetAnimationDirectory ..\data\runners\anims\jump
- set JumpSpeed 35
- #LoadAnimation yaw.zan jump_yaw_anim_data_%runNo%
- #NewAnimate yaw_anim_node
- #AnimateSetAnimation jump_yaw_anim_data_%runNo%
- #AnimateSetActive off
- #AnimateSetFrameRate %JumpSpeed%
- #AnimateAddChild yaw
- #LoadAnimation chassis.zan jump_chassis_anim_data_%runNo%
- #NewAnimate chassis_anim_node
- #AnimateSetAnimation jump_chassis_anim_data_%runNo%
- #AnimateSetActive off
- #AnimateSetFrameRate %JumpSpeed%
- #AnimateAddChild chassis
- #LoadAnimation cockpit.zan jump_cockpit_anim_data_%runNo%
- #NewAnimate cockpit_anim_node
- #AnimateSetAnimation jump_cockpit_anim_data_%runNo%
- #AnimateSetActive off
- #AnimateSetFrameRate %JumpSpeed%
- #AnimateAddChild cockpit
- #FindNode yaw
- #FindNode t_yaw
- #Object3DInsertAnimationChild yaw_anim_node
- FindNode chassis
- # Intersect with runner bounding box
- SetIntersectBBOX on
- #FindNode t_chass
- #Object3DInsertAnimationChild chassis_anim_node
- #FindNode cockpit
- #FindNode t_cockp
- #Object3DInsertAnimationChild cockpit_anim_node
- #Set up ionsword
- source ionswrdx.gw
- #Set up disrupter
- source eff_dir.gw
- LoadGameGen disruptr.gam disruptor%runNo%
- Object3DTranslate 32.0 0 -32.0
- #SetAltitudeSurface off
- Object3DSetActive off
- FindNode world1
- AddChild disruptor%runNo%
- source run_dir.gw
- # End set up disruptor
- #Add rear nanoshield
- LoadGameGen nano.gam ShieldR%runNo%
- SetAltitudeSurface off
- SetIntersectSurface off
- Object3DSetActive off
- FindNode runner_%runNo%
- FindNode cockpit
- Object3DAddChild ShieldR%runNo%
- #Add front nanoshield
- LoadGameGen nano.gam ShieldF%runNo%
- SetAltitudeSurface off
- SetIntersectSurface off
- Object3DSetActive off
- FindNode runner_%runNo%
- FindNode cockpit
- Object3DAddChild ShieldF%runNo%
- #Add shroud
- FindNode runner_%runNo%
- #FindNode yaw
- #FindNode chassis
- FindNode cockpit
- Object3DAddChild shroud%runNo%
- #echo PrintTree runner_%runNo%
- #PrintTree runner_%runNo%
- #FindNode flash
- #Object3DSetActive off
- #Set up runner floor polygon to scroll with runner motion.
- FindNode lt
- #Cause the textures to be remapped base upon
- # the object's position in the world.
- Object3DRegisterTexturesToWorld on
- Object3DSetPriority -4
- #Define the world coordinates where texel 0,0
- #should be mapped to.
- Object3DSetTextureWorldBaseCoordinates 0.0 0.0
- #Define the relationship between texture space
- #and world space.
- Object3DSetTextureWorldTexturesPerMeter 0.03125 0.03125
- Object3DSetTextureWorldTexturesPerMeter 0.0625 0.0625
- ###################################################
- # Create barrier for this runner (based on %runNo%)
- ###################################################
- source barrierx.gw
- ###################################################
- # Create plasma balls for this runner
- ###################################################
- set ballNo 0
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 1
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 2
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 3
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 4
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 5
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 6
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 7
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 8
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 9
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 10
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 11
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 12
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 13
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 14
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 15
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 16
- source plasmax.gw
- set ballNo 17
- source plasmax.gw
- ###################################################
- # Create lasers for this runner
- ###################################################
- source eff_dir.gw
- set laserNo 0
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 1
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 2
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 3
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 4
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 5
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 6
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 7
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 8
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 9
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 10
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 11
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 12
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 13
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 14
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 15
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 16
- source laserx.gw
- set laserNo 17
- source laserx.gw
- source run_dir.gw
- ###################################################
- # Create camera for this runner (based on %runNo%)
- ###################################################
- set camName camera_%runNo%
- source camerax.gw
- ###################################################
- # Create destroyed version of runner.
- ###################################################
- #Verbose on
- #Echo Loading destroyed
- LoadGameGen runrex_1.gam destroyed_runner_%runNo%
- #PrintTree destroyed_runner_%runNo%
- #set up cycling fire on destroyed runner
- #Set cycling texture effect, sets 1st polygon only
- FindNode dedbody
- Object3DSetFacade
- CycleTextureSetOn 16
- CycleTextureSetSpeed 30.0
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn1.zim 471
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn2.zim 472
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn3.zim 473
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn4.zim 474
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn5.zim 475
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn6.zim 476
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn7.zim 477
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn8.zim 478
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn9.zim 479
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn10.zim 480
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn11.zim 481
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn12.zim 482
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn13.zim 483
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn14.zim 484
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn15.zim 485
- CycleTextureSetMap firemn16.zim 486
- #Set cycling texture effect, sets 1st polygon only
- FindNode fire
- CycleTextureSetOn 8
- CycleTextureSetSpeed 10.0
- CycleTextureSetMap fire_1.zim 487
- CycleTextureSetMap fire_2.zim 488
- CycleTextureSetMap fire_3.zim 489
- CycleTextureSetMap fire_4.zim 490
- CycleTextureSetMap fire_5.zim 491
- CycleTextureSetMap fire_6.zim 492
- CycleTextureSetMap fire_7.zim 493
- CycleTextureSetMap fire_8.zim 494
- #Verbose off